Sunday, August 23, 2009

What's in a name ?

The old adage of "whats in a name" will have significance in our class room next class, when we try to find the perfect name for our end of year exhibition at the Tweed Gallery and Kingscliff Design Centre. Basically, how do you brand yourself never mind representing 16 or so different graphic styles & personalities...?

Your first task is to establish who you are as a group a bit like what we did with the Kingscliff Design Visual Identity we did earlier in the year.

Our first brainstorm session will be as a class in class time. I also want you to individually brainstorm on this blog 20 possible names each and comment on your peers suggestions to fast track the process and give you the maximum amount of time to design the invitation.

Later, you will also need to provide 2 high resolution images(jpgs) of your selected work, one landscape and one portrait. a public folder will be set up for all to contribute and access

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